Experience acting as legal advisor in large and medium-sized investment managers, especially structuring investment vehicles (555 Funds, FIP, FII e FIDC, among other) and conducting internal regulatory matters with regulators (CVM and ANBIMA).
Assistance in clients’ wealth management with the analysis and development of inheritance planning, tax and corporate strategies. Experience with crisis management of financial conglomerate, corporate governance and Compliance.
Asset Management, Investment Funds, Private Equity, Corporate Law and M&A, Wealth and Estate Planning.
Bachelor’s degree: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo/SP.
LLM: Financial and Capital Markets, Insper, São Paulo/SP.
Extension Course: Fundação Getúlio Vargas, São Paulo/SP (GVLAW): Inheritance Planning, Tax and Corporate Strategies.
Portuguese (native speaker) and English.
Rua Joaquim Floriano, 100
10th floor
ZIP 04534-000
Sao Paulo • SP
(11) 2823 2850