Luana Anselmo Alves Pereira


Luana Anselmo Alves Pereira


Experience in capital and financial markets, advising Brazilian and foreign clients on investment funds and structured transactions. Luana has extensive experience in drafting complex agreements for investment banks, structuring investment funds, including FIPs, FIMs and FIDCs, as well as complex IPO and follow-on transactions. She previously worked at Monteiro, Rusu, Cameirão e Bercht Advogados, BMA Advogados and Lefosse Advogados, as well as at Banco Citibank S.A. and Vórtx DTVM Ltda, where she honed her skills in treasury and structuring DCM operations, respectively.

Asset Management, Investment Funds and Private Equity.

Bachelor’s degree: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo/SP.

LL.M. in Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais pelo Insper, São Paulo/SP.

Portuguese (native speaker) and English.

Lawyers specializing in their respective areas seeking together to exceed the expectations of our clients.

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